At Colorado Christian University’s recent “Preaching the Word” conference, Tennent’s Academic Dean, Michael Morgan, delivered two messages on I Peter 4:10-11, sharing with the pastors assembled about the nuts and bolts of expository preaching. Though he is quick to point out that he’s not a homiletics professor, Michael nevertheless spent fourteen years as a teaching pastor, honing his skills. Here he shares from experience.
Engaging Ecclesiastes
Pastor Mark Hallock of Calvary Englewood Church just wrapped up a sermon series on the book of Ecclesiastes, a rarely-preached and often misunderstood corner of the Bible. We asked him to share a little about his experience. As he says, “If you’re gospel-centered, all of it's a springboard to our joy in the Lord: Jesus is better, Jesus transcends all this, Jesus is our King and he reigns over all these things.”
Engaging Culture
John Newton: Catalyst for Compassion
If you are burdened by the plight of the poor, heartbroken over the reality of human trafficking, stirred by the cries of the oppressed, yet overwhelmed with work, pulled in numerous directions, and confused about where to begin… take heart. The extraordinary example of John Newton offers a model for pastors everywhere to remain faithful in their post, preaching and praying, and all the while quietly changing the world.