Announcing our new series: The God Who Sees.
The Log College
One Family's Perseverance
In this excerpt from The Perseverance of a Faithful Minister, Tennent’s own Michael Morgan reflects on the impact of William Wilberforce’s family life. “While the work to which Wilberforce had been called required that he pour himself out, family life seems to have kept filling him up.” Morgan has spent extensive time studying the life and influence of Wilberforce, his mentor, John Newton, and the vast network of ministry leaders that together shaped 18th/19th century British society—and the world.
The Nuts and Bolts of Expositional Preaching
At Colorado Christian University’s recent “Preaching the Word” conference, Tennent’s Academic Dean, Michael Morgan, delivered two messages on I Peter 4:10-11, sharing with the pastors assembled about the nuts and bolts of expository preaching. Though he is quick to point out that he’s not a homiletics professor, Michael nevertheless spent fourteen years as a teaching pastor, honing his skills. Here he shares from experience.
A Few Books from our Shelves
We can’t help but agree with C.S. Lewis, who said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” All of us at Tennent are book lovers, and it is largely by reading that we have been shaped to know and love Christ, to engage the world’s great thinkers, to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. From time to time we would like to share a few favorite titles from our own bookshelves for your reading pleasure. Here’s a small sample of books that are fascinating, encouraging, challenging, and lively. Enjoy!
Multiplying Disciples
In his message, “Multiplying Disciples,” from the CFC Non-Ignorable Conference, Michael Morgan shares his concern over a present-day crisis of discipleship. What are preconditions for Christ-exalting multiplication? What are distinguishing marks of a cruciform culture? What are symptoms of unhealthy pseudo-discipleship?
Rethinking Seminary Podcast
Leading with Love
Pastor Leo Barbee, Jr. has been a faithful expositor of God’s Word for 63 years, serving for decades at Victory Bible Church in Lawrence, KS, and investing in countless young leaders, including Michael Morgan. This week, Michael sat down to chat with Pastor Barbee to discuss how to raise up leaders with a priority of grace and compassion. Pastor Barbee isn’t a political activist, he is primarily a shepherd, and an extraordinary disciple-maker. As he likes to say, “I am a gospel preacher who just happens to be born black.”
John Newton: Catalyst for Compassion
If you are burdened by the plight of the poor, heartbroken over the reality of human trafficking, stirred by the cries of the oppressed, yet overwhelmed with work, pulled in numerous directions, and confused about where to begin… take heart. The extraordinary example of John Newton offers a model for pastors everywhere to remain faithful in their post, preaching and praying, and all the while quietly changing the world.