cohort-based model

Seminary in Narnia

Seminary in Narnia

To fail to worship is to undercut the truth we claim to understand…. But all too often in our day and age, and in many, many seminary classrooms, the study of theology, which should kindle all of our affections for Jesus, is instead nothing more than a regurgitation of some collection of well-reasoned arguments concerning God. But theology is for doxology… Let us come to the subject at hand with the proper respect and awe and whole-hearted devotion that it deserves.

Cultivating Community

Cultivating Community

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Garth Rosell of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary to the blog! Dr. Rosell reflects on his many decades of teaching church history and his development of a cohort-model D.Min. program for Gordon-Conwell. “The credit for these remarkable communities of learning, friendship, and faith, of course, belongs solely, absolutely and completely to God. Such developments, if they are genuine, are always the work of the Holy Spirit and ‘they are marvelous in our eyes.’”