Theological Education

On Magnets and Mothers-in-Law

On Magnets and Mothers-in-Law

We are honored to have Dr. Jonathan Pennington with us today, chatting about theological education, humility, and… mothers-in-law? “What she has is something that we must not lose in the midst of our education — a posture or heart of receptivity toward God.”

Cultivating Community

Cultivating Community

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Garth Rosell of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary to the blog! Dr. Rosell reflects on his many decades of teaching church history and his development of a cohort-model D.Min. program for Gordon-Conwell. “The credit for these remarkable communities of learning, friendship, and faith, of course, belongs solely, absolutely and completely to God. Such developments, if they are genuine, are always the work of the Holy Spirit and ‘they are marvelous in our eyes.’”

Invest in the Ruins

Invest in the Ruins

We are facing a worldwide pandemic, causing financial uncertainty and disrupting our ability to travel or even gather in groups. Yet Bonhoeffer’s various seminary projects unfolded against the backdrop of Nazi Germany. Paul House considers what we might learn from Bonhoeffer in our context.

Reintegrating Theology With The Church

Reintegrating Theology With The Church

“Christian faith, and therefore Christian theology, emerges out of the shock of the gospel…the comprehensive interruption of all things in Jesus Christ (43).” So begins the late Professor John Webster (1955-2016) in a series of six lectures given in 1998 at the University of Otago in New Zealand, recently republished as The Culture of Theology.