
Exodus 20: The Perfect Law of Liberty

Exodus 20: The Perfect Law of Liberty

Alex Kirk reflects on one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible. He writes, “The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1–17 stand as a summary and introduction to the law. To unlock their freedom and beauty, we must see that they flow from who God is. God is our system of morality. And he is not abstract. Right and wrong flow from God’s character and promote relationship with him. That’s what the Ten Commandments are about: they liberate you to live with the LORD.”

Naked and Unashamed

Naked and Unashamed

Third in our series on the Theology of the Pentateuch, Old Testament professor Alex Kirk shares his reflections on an often-overlooked aspect of the Fall: what does it mean that Adam and Eve were “naked and unashamed”? What did it mean for them to become conscious of this? He explains, “After she eats, the Serpent’s words come true but there is a cruel twist. Divine knowledge becomes nothing other than self-consciousness—that sinking feeling that you are on a stage with no clothes on.”